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Save method

Saves certificate to the file.




  • Basic
object.Save Filename, [Password]
The Save(object,Filename,Password) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type Certificate.
FilenameRequired. A String value. Full path for certificate file.
PasswordOptional. A Variant value. Password to protect saved certificate.


Save method will store contents of the certificate from memory to a file on your disk drive. Certificate is saved using PEM format, and such can be loaded to any OpenSSL-enabled engine. Even more, if you rename it to having extension CER, double-click on it will show it as regular certificate recognizable by windows CryptoAPI. To import such certificate into Windows certificate store, just right-click to it and select 'Install'.

Specifying password is not necessary, because certificate itself does not contain any private information - it is purely informative to the public with your personal information on it, signed by some CA (certificate authority).

Written file contains only ASCII characters. It holds data base64 encoded.

