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Show method

Shows certificate.




  • Basic
object.Show Title, [OwnerHwnd]
The Show(object,Title,OwnerHwnd) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type Certificate.
TitleRequired. A String value. Title of shown certificate window.
OwnerHwndOptional. A Variant value. HWND handle of owning window.


This method will show new window with certificate currently loaded in the memory. Standard windows dialog is used for this, looking very similar to this:

It is very important that text on bottom of the window "You have a private key that corresponds to this certificate" is visible. If there is no such text - then most probably selected certificate cannot be used with the component, due to lack of key used for signing and decrypting of data.

One note - 'You have a private key...' text will only appear on certificates that are stored in Windows certificate store. If you Load certificate and Load your key manually, this text will not appear. However, we have provided HasPrivateKey property for you then to determine if certificate does have corresponding private key. Unfortunately, we cannot show that text in above window since this is Windows integrated feature.

