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GlobalTerminate property

Determines if wodAppUpdate should kill other processes that lock your file.


A Boolean value


  • Basic
object.GlobalTerminate [= value]
The GlobalTerminate(object,value) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodAppUpdate.
valueA Boolean value.


When this property is set to True, wodAppUpdate will try to kill all other processes that are locking files you wish to update. First, it will try to kill it while your application is still running, but since that may be unsuccessful, it will also try to kill all those processes during the update itself, when it runs with administrative privileges.

You can access Processes property for each File to see which processes are locking it - if any.

If property is set to False, and other processes are using your DLLs, update will fail. You can also try to kill manually each of those processes by calling its Terminate method.

