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Permissions property

Holds the item access permissions.


A Long value


  • Basic
The Permissions(object) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type SftpItem.


The value for Permissions is defined by the POSIX standard, which is briefly described below:

- you should represent them in octal (base 8) to make parsing them easier Permissions AND 777 (octal) will give you read/write/execute permissions for owner, group and others. To be more precise, 1 indicates execute permission, 2 indicates write permission, 4 indicates read permission. For example, if file Permission AND 777 (octal) gives 754, this is represented on the server as -rwxr-xr-- which means: the owner can read/write/execute, the group can read/execute, and others can only read.

To determine if an attribute belongs to directory, test for Permissions AND 40000 (octal). To determine if an attribute belongs to a symbolic link, test for Permissions AND 120000 (octal).

