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Login property

Determines the username/login to be used with the server.


A String value. Represents login/username for the server.


  • Basic
object.Login [= value]
The Login(object,value) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodSSH.
valueA String value.


If this value is set, wodSSH will try to automatically login to the remote server using the provided information. For SSH connections you *MUST* set this property to anything other than an empty string, because it is required by the SSH protocol specification. For the Raw protocol, this property is ignored.

Together with the Password property, all the information needed for successful authorization with the remote server is stored in these two properties. If you prefer to use private/public key authentication, please refer to the PrivateKey property.

In the Telnet protocol, leaving this property empty will cause wodSSH to fire the Received event on receiving the login prompt. If the property is set, wodSSH will fire the Received event *AFTER* successfully authorization for the first time.

This property can be empty if Authentication is set to authGSSAPI since wodSSH will retrieve your username from the system.

