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LoginChallenge method

Called when the remote server requires keyboard-interactive authentication.




  • Basic
object.LoginChallenge Owner, Challenge, Response
The LoginChallenge(object,Owner,Challenge,Response) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type IwodSSHNotify.
OwnerA wodSSHCom object.
ChallengeA String value. Holds challenge text sent by the server.
ResponseA String value. You should set it to value that response to server's challenge. Usually this is your password.


This method is called only if you implemented the IwodSSHNotify interface in your application, and the wodSSH.Notification property has received a reference to the instance of your implementation.

This notification method can be called only for SSH2 protocol. It gives you the ability to authenticate with the server using an "interactive" session. The Server will send some challenge text, you must reply with the correct responses to successfully authenticate.

A typical scenario is where the server sends challenge "user's password:" and you should put your password in the Response argument. However, the server may require various forms of authentication, such as various tokens, security devices etc.. Lately, many servers have removed "password" authentication completely, allowing only "keyboard-interactive" authentication to be used, even though they only expect users to enter just their password.

You should print Challenge on the screen and ask for a Response when you use this event.

If you don't use this notification, but the server still requires this type of authentication, the server will use the value from the Password property - line by line for each challenge that the server sends. Since there is usually only one challenge, you will be able to login without using this notification.

"keyboard-interactive" is used when the Authentication property is set to authKeyboardInteractive or authPassword.

