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StripANSI property

Automatically removes ANSI codes from received data.


A Boolean value. When set to True, wodSSH will remove all ANSI code from received data.


  • Basic
object.StripANSI [= value]
The StripANSI(object,value) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodSSH.
valueA Boolean value.


The StripANSI property defines if wodSSH should remove all ANSI escape sequences from incoming data. Since wodSSH does not have it's own GUI, these sequences may just be getting in the way while receiving regular data.

A good example is RedHat 7.1 Linux, which sends these codes immediately after you login. After you send 2 bytes of the command, it replies with a new ANSI code to move the cursor. When file listing is requested, it is formatted with ANSI codes - and this may NOT be what you wanted in the first place.

This property will help you remove those sequences so that you can receive raw data - which was your intention in the first place. It will also remove NULL characters from incoming data. If you want to remove only NULL characters, use StripNull property instead.

