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Technical information

Distribution note
Filename SFTPdll.DLL
Compatibility Any environment that supports API calls
Built with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 C++, OpenSSL
Required DLLs None required, wodKeys.dll optional, only if Key generation/loading/saving is used.

Help filename wodSFTPdll.CHM

Distribution note

When you develop and distribute an application that uses this library:

1. Include SFTPdll.dll in the installation package.

2. You should include wodKeys.DLL ActiveX for Key management if it is needed by your application. wodSFTPdll does not depend on it - it only uses it for client authentication with the private key.

3. The above binaries can be included royalty-free in your application.

4. Install the library file(s) into the user's Windows SYSTEM32 folder, or the application's folder. The library file(s) have version information built into them, so during installation, you should ensure that you are not overwriting a newer version.

Using the licensed version

To use the retail (licensed) version in your code, define your license key by calling the Sftp_Create(&Events, "your-license-key") API function.