wodPop3 ActiveX Control - Blocking Property


Determines if methods are blocking.

Property type

A Boolean value.  


object.Blocking [= value]

The Blocking Property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An expression evaluating to an object of type wodPop3.
value A Boolean value.


Blocking property determines if wodPop3 will block the thread where it executes, or it will work in async mode - in the background.

When blocking is set, then when you issue, for example, Get method, when it returns you will already have message downloaded locally. If any error occurs, it will be returned through Get method call - so you can catch it in your application. This is usable for scripting environments.

When blocking is not set, then when you issue, for example, Get method, it will return the control to your program immediately, work in the background and download the message, and fire Done event when it finishes. If any error occurs, it will be provided in the Done event. From this event you can initiate new commands if needed.

When Blocking mode is used you should NOT initiate new commands from within wodPop3's own events!