wodPop3 ActiveX Control - Done Event


Fires when wodPOP3 component finishes execution of some method.


Private Sub object_Done(ErrorCode, ErrorText, HeadersOnly)

The Done Event syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object A wodPop3 object.
ErrorCode A Long value. Holds error code, if any.
ErrorText A String value. Text description of the error, if any.
HeadersOnly A Boolean value. Specifies if only headers were retrieved (True), or full message body (False).


Done event is fired as a result of async method you called previously, such as Get, GetAll etc.. Once this event is fired, you are free to execute next method.

If error occurred as a result of previous method execution, ErrorCode and ErrorText will contain description of the error.

If you used GetHeaders or GetAllHeaders method, HeadersOnly argument will be True, otherwise it will be False.