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AuthenticationDetermines type of authentication.
BlockingDetermine if methods are blocking.
BufferSizeDetermines size of incoming and outgoing buffers.
CertificateHolds certificate for SSL authentication.
CompressionDetermines level of compression used.
DirFormatDetermines expected directory format.
DirItemsReturns collection of directory items.
EncryptionEncryption method that will be used for communication.
HostnameHostname of server where we will connect.
KeepAliveDefines if NOOP commands are sent on control channel during file transfer.
LastErrorHolds last error that occured, if any.
ListItemHolds value of last ListItems event.
ListParamsHolds additional parameters for LIST command.
LocalPathHolds name of local path used for transferring files.
LoginLogin (username) information that will be sent to the server.
MaxTransferRateDetermines maximum upload/download speed.
PassiveDetermines if file transfer is passive.
PasswordPassword that will be sent to the server.
PortPort on the server where we will connect.
PreserveDatesDetermines if date are preserved on file transfers.
PrivateKeyHolds private key for SSL and SSH authentication.
ProtocolDetermines protocol used for connection.
ProxyHostnameSpecifies the hostname of proxy to use.
ProxyLoginSpecifies the login/username to use when connecting to the proxy server.
ProxyPasswordSpecifies the password to use when connecting to proxy server.
ProxyPortSpecifies the port to use for proxy server.
ProxyTypeSpecifies the type of proxy to use.
PublicKeyOpenSSHReturns public key in OpenSSH format.
PublicKeySSHReturns public key in SSH.COM/Tectia format.
RemotePathHolds name of path on the server used for transferring files.
ResumeDetermines if wodFtpDLX.NET will try to resume file transfer.
SecureMethodDetermines SSL protocol used with FTPS.
SmartGetDetermines if wodFtpDLX.NET should try to determine remote filename on GetFile command.
SmartPutDetermines if wodFtpDLX.NET should try to determine remote filename on PutFile command.
StateRead-only property that returns current component state.
StrictHostDetermines if data connection is restricted to same IP address as control connection.
TagTag for misc usage.
TimeoutTotal number of seconds to expire before we are automatically disconnected from the server.
TimezoneDetermine timezone conversion when dealing with dates and times.
TransferModeDetermines if transfers are Binary or AscII.
TransferRateReturns average speed of the file transfer.
TransferTimeReturns time needed to transfer current or previous file.
UseIPv6Determines if IPv6 addresses are allowed.
VersionShows version information.

