MediatorExchangeData Method


Called when mediator sends packet to peer.

Return Type



object.MediatorExchangeData Owner, FromID, ToID

The MediatorExchangeData Method syntax has these parts:

objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type IwodVPNNotify.
Owner A wodVPNCom object. Reference to the wodVPNCom instance that called this notification method.
FromIDA String value. Peer ID that sent search request.
ToIDA String value. Peer ID that was searched for.


This method is called only if you have implemented the IwodVPNNotify interface in your application and the wodVPN1.Notification property has received a reference to an instance of your implementation.

When peer that sent search request tries to locate peer that has recently announced itself to the mediator, mediator will send packet back to the peer, and this event will fire so you can keep track on who did mediator send information.