ChannelStop Method


Called when specific channel has stopped.

Return Type



object.ChannelStop Owner, Chan, ErrorCode, ErrorText

The ChannelStop Method syntax has these parts:

objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type IwodVPNNotify.
Owner A wodVPNCom object. Reference to the wodVPNCom instance that called this notification method.
Chan A VPNChannel object. Reference to channel that was stopped.
ErrorCodeA Long value. Error code that caused channel to stop. 0 if no errors.
ErrorTextA String value. Text description of the error that occurred, if any.


This method is called only if you have implemented the IwodVPNNotify interface in your application and the wodVPN1.Notification property has received a reference to an instance of your implementation.

ChannelStop notification method is called when wodVPN stops accepting new users on specific channel.

All users that were using this channel will get their TCP connection dropped (if TCP channel was used).