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Receive method

Reads text received from the server.




  • C#
  • VB.NET
public String Receive();
The Receive() syntax has these parts:
Return valueNew string with received text.

public String Receive(Int32 BytesCount);
The Receive(BytesCount) syntax has these parts:
BytesCountMaximum number of characters that should be read.
Return valueNew string with received text.

public Function Receive() As String
The Receive() syntax has these parts:
Return valueNew string with received text.

public Function Receive(ByVal BytesCount As Int32) As String
The Receive(BytesCount) syntax has these parts:
BytesCountMaximum number of characters that should be read.
Return valueNew string with received text.


Receive method is used to get data received from server represented as a String variable, and store it to your program. It can be used only after DataReceived event is fired. DataReceived event will provide information about total number of bytes received and waiting to be read by your program. You can use that value for BytesCount parameter.

If BytesCount is not specified, Receive method will returned everything received from server, as string type data.

