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URL property

Universal resource locator - full path of resource.


A String value


  • Basic
object.URL [= value]
The URL(object,value) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodHttpDLX.
valueA String value.


This property holds the complete URL (Universal resource locator) address of a remote document to retrieve or store. It is a combination of protocol name, (optional login and password), hostname, (optionally port), and path to document.

Please note that this property just combines information provided by the Login, Password, Hostname, Port and the Request Object's URI properties. It returns the combination of those properties.

If user sets a new value to this property, information is parsed and stored into the above properties. It is provided for ease of use. For more advanced needs, it is suggested to use Hostname and Port properties, and Request object.

Since version 1.3.2 you can use non-HTTP (and non-HTTPS) protocols also when ProxyType is set to ProxyWEBStandard. This is possible because proxy server actually requests resource for us - and returns correct http response to us, so wodHttpDLX can "talk to it". Typical example would be to use URL such as for FTP protocol. It is VERY important to provide port information in such requests (please notice we added :21 to URL in previous sample) since wodHttpDLX doesn't really know any information about non-http protocols.

