One to many connection possible for SQL Server ? - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

One to many connection possible for SQL Server ? (wodVPN)

by nivinbas, Wednesday, April 03, 2013, 19:00 (4202 days ago)


Referring to my previous post I need a peer to peer connection exclusively for SQL Server

Please help me in developing this app which has the following details.

Let say that i have a machine with SQL Server installed and call the PC as MyDBServer

Then I have this five client PCs which runs an inventory billing application. Now these five client PCs are miles away from the server PC called MyDBServer which is in our Accounts Head quarters. And these five billing client PCs are at Super Market. Now all these client PCs are connected via the internet to this MyDBserver .

So, how can i connect these five machines to MyDBserver 's SQL Server via your wodVPN ?

Am I have to create five separate wodVPN instances in MyDBserver PC or just a single instance connected to this client machines ?

Or is there something called one to many connection with wodVPN ?

Please explain in detail.

Hope you will be answering this in detail.

Re: One to many connection possible for SQL Server

by wodsupport, Wednesday, April 03, 2013, 21:09 (4202 days ago) @ nivinbas


There is no one to many connection in wodVPN, they are all one to one . So, on server side you must have 5 instances of wodVPN, each of them having separate name, for example MyServer1 , MyServer2 etc..

On client sides, each side has one wodVPN instance with different names among them, for example MyClient1 , MyClient2 etc..

Then you try to connect one client MyClient1 with one instance of wodVPN on server's side MyServer1 one, and do the forwarding.

You can initialize wodVPN instances on the server side on the fly when they are needed, of course.

Hope this helps!


Re: One to many connection possible for SQL Server

by nivinbas, Thursday, April 04, 2013, 09:10 (4201 days ago) @ wodsupport


Okay will try to create it as you mentioned.

But please note that when we approach this solution(connecting 5 client machines) can i be assured that there will not be any delay only because of wodVPN component ?

The situation is that at every 30 seconds different sales bills are generated at 5 client machine's counters and the data are updated simultaneously to the mentioned remote sql server machine.

So any delay in the network could create complications and complete havoc from our supermarket customers.

So can i be assured that thr will not be any delay simply bcz of wodVPN ?

Re: One to many connection possible for SQL Server

by wodsupport, Thursday, April 04, 2013, 09:14 (4201 days ago) @ nivinbas

Hi. I cannot know if there will be a delay. If you make persistent connections then there will be no delay.

So, make a connection first, and keep it up all the time, the it's like regular ones.


Re: One to many connection possible for SQL Server

by nivinbas, Thursday, April 04, 2013, 09:25 (4201 days ago) @ wodsupport

If you make persistent connections then there will be no delay.

So, make a connection first, and keep it up all the time, the it's like regular ones.

By persistent connection you mean an internet connection that is uninterrupted and consistent ?

Re: One to many connection possible for SQL Server

by wodsupport, Thursday, April 04, 2013, 09:26 (4201 days ago) @ nivinbas

No, I mean connect wodVPN before and keep it up, don't re-establish wodVPN connections for each small transaction.


Re: One to many connection possible for SQL Server

by Traveller, Thursday, May 23, 2013, 18:08 (4152 days ago) @ wodsupport

I read your questions and replies, but I observed some thing that no one
mentioned it, and that is the SQL Server data base it self Which
should not be accessed Simultaneously by different Clients at the
same time Since it is a Critical Process, Changing data by One process
should be completed and Saved then another Client should be able to get access to the data base, .... How do you Handle that in your Code ?
Thanks Kreso.

Re: One to many connection possible for SQL Server

by wodSupport, Thursday, May 23, 2013, 20:32 (4152 days ago) @ Traveller

Hi. I'm not sure if this was question for wodVPN or end customer. We don't have it in any way. We do not interfere or take care in any way in data that is passing through redirected channels.

Hope this helps!


Re: One to many connection possible for SQL Server

by Traveller, Friday, May 24, 2013, 20:21 (4151 days ago) @ wodSupport

Kreso: Yes
You are right, I just wanted to remind the End Customer to think about
that for the Integrity of their Records in their Data Base, it is not
just the matter of being able to be Connected to the Server Station
by many Clients they should be care full for preventing VPN Clients
to access the SQL Server if Currently opened by another instance of
VPN Client because it is a Critical Process as you Know.
Thanks for Reply.