Run a JCL using WeOnlyDo.client.FTP.dll - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Run a JCL using WeOnlyDo.client.FTP.dll (wodFtpDLX / wodFtpDLX.NET)

by Joice Lukose, Wednesday, October 03, 2007, 21:27 (6044 days ago)

I uploaded the JCL file to mainfram.I liked to run that jcl using WeOnlyDo.client.FTP.dll.How can I do this

Re: Run a JCL using WeOnlyDo.client.FTP.dll

by wodDamir, Wednesday, October 03, 2007, 21:34 (6044 days ago) @ Joice Lukose

Hi Joice,

Unfortunately you can't. wodFtpDLX.Net only uses FTP alike protocols, and doesn't allow running files on the remote side. I'm not aware of any FTP Client capable of doing that.

For that purpose usually a client capable of providing shell access is used. We have products like wodSSH and wodTelnetDLX for that purpose.
