Automatically-redirect-when-301-or-301-is-received - WeOnlyDo Software example code


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Automatically redirect when 301 or 301 is received
VB code
Dim WithEvents wodHttp As wodHttpDLXCom
Private Sub Form_Load()
    ' Initialize the component
    Set wodHttp = New wodHttpDLXCom
    ' Set AutoRedirect property to toggle Autoredirection On/Off    
    wodHttp.AutoRedirect = True
    ' Now, let's get the page
    wodHttp.Get ""
End Sub

' When component is done executing, Done event is triggered. We can
' check response here
Private Sub wodHttp_Done(ByVal ErrorCode As Long, ByVal ErrorText As String)
    ' If no Error occured, ErrorCode will return 0
    If ErrorCode = 0 Then
        MsgBox wodHttp.Response.Body
        MsgBox ErrorText
    End If
End Sub

' HeadersDone will be triggered twice. First with 301 reply, second time with 200.
Private Sub wodHttp_HeadersDone()
    Debug.Print wodHttp.Response.StatusCode
End Sub
VB.Net code
Dim WithEvents wodHttp As wodHttpDLXComLib.wodHttpDLXCom
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    ' Initialize the component
    wodHttp = New wodHttpDLXComLib.wodHttpDLXCom
    ' Set AutoRedirect property to toggle Autoredirection On/Off     
    wodHttp.AutoRedirect = True

    ' Now, let's get the page
End Sub

' When component is done executing, Done event is triggered. We can
' check response here
Private Sub wodHttp_Done(ByVal ErrorCode As Integer, ByVal ErrorText As String) Handles wodHttp.Done
    ' If no Error occured, ErrorCode will return 0
    If ErrorCode = 0 Then
    End If
End Sub

' HeadersDone will be triggered twice. First with 301 reply, second time with 200.
Private Sub wodHttp_HeadersDone() Handles wodHttp.HeadersDone
End Sub
C# code
private wodHttpDLXComLib.wodHttpDLXComClass wodHttp;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Initialize the component and declare Done event
    wodHttp = new wodHttpDLXComLib.wodHttpDLXComClass();
    wodHttp.Done += new wodHttpDLXComLib._IwodHttpDLXComEvents_DoneEventHandler(wodHttp_Done);
    wodHttp.HeadersDone += new wodHttpDLXComLib._IwodHttpDLXComEvents_HeadersDoneEventHandler(wodHttp_HeadersDone);
    // Set AutoRedirect property to toggle Autoredirection On/Off
    wodHttp.AutoRedirect = true;

    // Now, let's get the page

// When component is done executing, Done event is triggered. We can
// check response here
void wodHttp_Done(int ErrorCode, string ErrorText)
    // If no Error occured, ErrorCode will return 0
    if(ErrorCode == 0)

// HeadersDone will be triggered twice. First with 301 reply, second time with 200.
void wodHttp_HeadersDone()