wodPop3 ActiveX Control - Connect Method


Connects to POP3 server.

Return Type




The Connect Method syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An expression evaluating to an object of type wodPop3.


This method initiates connection with the server. You must also setup Hostname, Port, Login and Password properties to determine where wodPop3 will connect to.

On successful connection, Connected event will be fired. Before event is fired, wodPop3 will count the messages on the server and create as many Pop3Msg objects which you can access through wodPop3.Messages property. Each message will have Size and UID properties already filled. After that, you can just call Message.Get to download the message, or you can call Messages.GetAll to download all of them.

If connection with the server fails, Disconnected event will be fired with error code that describes why connection failed.