wodMailbox ActiveX Control - Unload Method


Unloads message from memory.

Return Type




The Unload Method syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An expression evaluating to an object of type Message.


To reduce memory requirements with large mailboxes, wodMailbox does not load them messages in memory immediately when you Lock mailbox file. Rather, it always tries to get references to positions in mailbox that might be needed later. This results in extremely fast mail parsing, and does not allocate memory at all.

However, when you actually need some message, it is internally loaded into the memory for you when you access it. You can do this manually using Load method, or just let wodMailbox do this for you when needed.

When you have several large email messages in the mailbox, you might want to consider that after evaluating and using one message, you could Unload it from memory, and switch to some other message. In such cases, you will call this method. When you need the same message next time, wodMailbox will have to Load it again.