wodMailbox ActiveX Control - Filename Property


Holds filename of mailbox file.

Property type

A String value.  


object.Filename [= value]

The Filename Property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An expression evaluating to an object of type wodMailbox.
value A String value.


Filename property specifies full path and name of mailbox file that resides somewhere on disk, and should be opened by wodMailbox. File that you specify here should be either mailbox file (as used by most UNIX systems) or just plain mail message, as saved by Outlook Express (as EML type).

In case something goes wrong, try to open this file manually, using Notepad or similar text editor. If all is ok and you get no errors, check out if there's regular mail message inside, that consists of:

<optionaly>    There's one line before each email message, starting with 'From someone...'
               Few headers, among them there are 'From:', 'To:' ...
               One empty line that separates headers from body text.
               Text of the message, possibly having several encapsulated parts.  
               One empty line that defines end of message

You cannot change this property once Lock is called. You must call Unlock before that.