VPNUser Object

Holds details for user that is currently being forwarded.


VPNUser object is created and put into Users collection in the Channel object whenever new user connects to IP/Port specified in Channel properties. You can access user's properties until UserDisconnected event is fired.


KillDisconnects the user.

BytesDownloadRead-write propertyHolds total number of bytes user has downloaded.
BytesUploadRead-write propertyHolds total number of bytes user uploaded.
HostnameRead-write propertyHolds the originating IP of the user.
IDRead-only propertyHolds user's unique ID in the channel.
IndexRead-only propertyHolds the relative index of the user.
PortRead-only propertyHolds the originating port of the user.
TagRead-write propertyTag for misc usage.
TimeoutRead-write propertyDetermines total number of seconds before user is disconnected for inactivity.