ChannelTypesEnum Enumeration


Constant values that describe channel type.

When type is TCPLocalListen then local wodVPN instance listens for incoming TCP connection on specified port, encrypts it and sends to remote wodVPN, who then forwards it to remote specified address.

When type is TCPRemoteListen then remote wodVPN instance listens for incoming TCP connections, encrypts them and sends to local wodVPN, who then forwards it to local specified address.

TCPSocksProxy is similar to TCPLocalListen, except client can use SOCKS4/4a/5 protocols to decide where to forward packets "on the fly".

UDPLocalListen/UDPRemoteListen have same rules as their TCP variants, but work for UDP packets.


 TCPLocalListen0Listens on local TCP port, forwards connection through wodVPN to remote address.
 TCPRemoteListen1Listens on remote TCP port, forwards connection through wodVPN to local address.
 UDPLocalListen2Listens on local UDP port, forwards connection through wodVPN to remote address.
 UDPRemoteListen3Listens on remote UDP port, forwards connection through wodVPN to remote address.
 TCPSocksProxy4Listens on local TCP port, forwards connection through wodVPN to dynamicaly chosen address, using SOCKS4/4a/5 protocol.