wodPop3 ActiveX Control - StateChange Event


Fires when wodPOP3 component changes its state.


Private Sub object_StateChange(OldState)

The StateChange Event syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object A wodPop3 object.
OldState A StatesEnum enumeration, as described in settings.

Holds previous state.


The settings for OldState are:

Constant Value Description
 Disconnected 0 Disconnected from server.
 Connecting 1 Connecting to server.
 LogonInProgress 2 Sending login information.
 ReadingMessageList 3 Receiving message list from the server.
 Connected 4 Connected to server - idle.
 ExecutingCommand 5 Executing command on the server.
 ReceivingMessage 6 Receiving message from the server.
 DeletingMessage 7 Deleting message from the server.


StateChange event is fired when wodPop3 changes its state, from Disconnected to Connecting, then to LogonInProgress etc.

To get current state you can use State property. To get text description of the state, you can use StateText property.

For list of all possible states, click here.