wodMailbox ActiveX Control - Item Property


References specific message in mailbox.

Property type

A Message object.  Reference to requested message, or message part.



The Item Property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An expression evaluating to an object of type Messages.
Index Required. An Integer value. Specifies index of the message, or index of message part.


Item property will return specific message from collection of all messages, or will return specific part of the message from the message, depending when is used.

For example,

mailbox.Messages.Item(3) would return 4th message in the mailbox,


mailbox.Messages.Item(3).Parts.Item(2) would return 3rd part of the message, to be more precise 4th message.

Usually you don't have to write Item because it's default property. It's easier to use mailbox.Messages(3) instead of mailbox.Messages.Item(3).